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NEWS | NSBA Supports House Cmte. Investigation

Federal regulations affecting small business must be accountable to this important community.


On May 29, NSBA signed a letter to the House Committee on Small Business and its Chairman Roger Williams (R-Texas) commending its investigation into federal regulations affecting small business.

In the letter, NSBA President and CEO Todd McCracken and Director of Government Affairs Reed Westcott stated:

“…we write to express our support and gratitude for the recent investigation conducted by the House Small Business Committee into the compliance of federal agencies with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). We commend the Committee’s diligent efforts in identifying and addressing the shortcomings of federal agencies in adhering to the mandates of the RFA, which are crucial in protecting small businesses from undue regulatory burdens.”

Read the full text here, review the Letters, Comments, and Testimony NSBA regularly submits on issues in our community, and follow us as we continue our efforts to ensure Congress and the laws it creates are most serving of small business.

Federal regulations affecting small business must be accountable to this important community.


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