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ACTION ALERT | Urge Lawmakers to Support Tax Fairness

Take two minutes to urge your lawmakers to support the Main Street Tax Certainty Act!

When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in 2017, the tax cuts specific to small business were only passed on a temporary basis and are set to expire at the end of 2025. Legislation has been introduced in Congress, the Main Street Tax Certainty Act (S. 1706/H.R. 4721), which would make permanent the 20 percent Section 199A deduction.  

NSBA has created an Action Alert that small-business owners can use to reach out to their Senators to support this bill and their Representative to support similar or companion legislation in the House. This Action Alert will enable you to personalize a pre-drafted letter and send it directly to your Senators and Representative all in less than two minutes.

The Main Street Tax Certainty Act will prevent rate hikes on America’s individually and family-owned businesses—something large corporations don’t have to worry about—and take an important step toward tax fairness for America’s small businesses.


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